Thank you for this overview of the Time Machine, Graham, I always avoided reading it as I do not find science fiction interesting. I reluctantly took my children to see Star Wars movies one and two but by the time the third came out I just paid for their tickets - same with Jurrasic Park.

So after reading your synopsis I don't feel that I have to rush out to read it. Part of my problem is, I've had too much training and education in the sciences to find anything remotely feasible in Sci-Fi.

Time is uni-directional, it can appear to slow down or speed up relative to where you are (Einstein's Theory of Relativity) Theoretically it is possible to travel to the future if you can approach the speed of light but all our observations so far are that as an object approaches that speed it loses some of its mass which then becomes energy, These are things that I think about so sci-fi bores me.

I also have a life long interest in history, I walked out Mel Gibson's Braveheart because he featured the Scots of the 13th century as the Picts prior to the 3rd century.

If you're going to show me a comedy where the only purpose is to make me laugh I'll watch or read nearly anything. But if you're going to depict science or history it better damned well be based on factual evidence. [Another reason I despise trump]

As you can well imagine I can be a very boring critter at times (:-)

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It's not science fiction, Fay.

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The story may not be but time machines definitely are.

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